Hike&Yoga - Mediative Concert (Uranus Sounds)
Sat, Mar 05
Healing and relax in Movement with us, join the community
Time & Location
Mar 05, 2022, 10:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Pilisvörösvár, Pilisvörösvár, 2085 Hungary
About the event
Registration is mandatory.
Please grab your spot by registering through my website (Get Tickets button).
The payment of 3000huf is paid in cash on arrival. Thank you.
📍 MEETING POINT📍 10.30 am Csobánka, Tavasz lépcső bus stop
****Transportation tip for you:
From Pomaz bus station take the bus 855 to Vörösvárbánya train station
HIKE&YOGA PROGRAM: (the trail is a trademark of Hike&Yoga BP)
• Hike across 6 lakes and up to admire beautiful panorama of Pilis Hill! (2,5 hrs) *excursive spiritual activities (like chanting and pranayama) may be expected from us anytime during the hike as well!!
• easy Yin style yoga with aromatherapy by Dori (60mins) in Szivvarazs Joga Studio
• Meditative Concert with electro space waves (Uranus sounds played live) and Tibetan bowls by Fra (50mins)
Hike&Yoga PROGRAM:
• Kirándulás a csobánkai hegyek közt
• könnyed Jin típusú jóga a Szivvarazs Joga Studio
• Meditációs foglalkozás ~ Hangfürdő *űrelektromágneses hullámok (Uranusz bolygó) és zengő tálak közreműködésével
Időtartam: körülbelül 6ó
Beugró: 3000ft
Helyfoglalás szükséges: +36 30 018 6552 (SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram)
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